Saturday, 24 August 2013

No Surprises

Its always enlightening to see who is actually there for you - especially when you're in a situation where you need some help.

"Oh I'm just so busy with work"
"Oh I just don't have the time right now"
"Oh no, I'm busy that day"
And its not like you fucking re-schedule to make a plan, ie: "How about Tuesday?"
Its just a flat out no. No compromises. No surprises.

We used to be best friends. And now you're the best person to go to when I need to be reminded how distanced everyone is. Where are the people I used to call my friends? I can't see them anymore. I cant hear them either.

What the fuck is up with that?
As soon as high school is over everyone disappears?
Yeah I didn't go off to school right after and meet a whole bunch of new people..
Even if I fucking did, I wouldn't forget the people who made me laugh, drink, and make a few bad choices.

It seems that everyone I meet now a days have a whole different vibe about making friends.
Its not "lets exchange numbers and meet up soon!" its "Nice meeting you, have a good night!"
No one stays in touch anymore, or branches out to start some new friendships.
Is it because polite-ness may be perceived as flirting or being "creepy?"

Or is it because in the end they know its not worth it, because they've seen it all, done it all - and there are really no more surprises in store? Just knowing a friendship is too hard to maintain?
I'm not a fucking cat.
I don't need cat treats or cat toys. (Maybe some cat-nip though..)

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