I came home late from a party, and couldn't sleep. I am a top notch insomniac. I had some coffee at about 6am, and decided that I would be really spiffy and create a bedazzling breakfast.
This breakfast consisted of..
1) Waffles 2) French Toast 3) Coffee 4) An Apple Swan.
YES. I made a S W A N out of an APPLE people. Seriously.
At 7am, (My mother is usually awake at 6 might I add..)
I go into my moms room, and exclaim that I am making her breakfast.
She rolls over and says "Go back to bed"
As the sweet smell of cinnamon and french toast goodness stroll into the room.. nothing.
I even say.. "But.. I made you a swan out of an apple"..
All that hard work.... for nothing.
It feels really good to do something for someone - not expecting anything but a tad bit appreciation.
Can't even receive that.
So.. I left it sitting in her room so she could smell it (and deal with it in the morning when that ungrateful beast decides to wake up).
So she'll feel terrible when she realizes that I actually made something decent.
In other words.. rot in hell. in breakfast hell.